If you find something you love doing outside of the office, you'll be less likely to bring your work home.
During the first year of the program, students were found to be less likely to transfer schools or be engaged in violent crime.
One study found that if you are interviewed by someone of the same sex, they may be less likely to employ you if they judge that you are more attractive than they are.
Though you would also be less likely to have a job.
When you do this, you may be less likely to buy more stuff.
You will be less likely to have a normal delivery in future pregnancies.
That means you'll store less body fat and be less likely to eat more later.
The benefit: You’ll be less likely to overeat in the hours that follow your meal.
He’ll also be less likely to blow it on high-end video game systems when the rent is due.
If you do what you're excited about most of the time, you'll be less likely to put it off.
If you know a friend is waiting for you, you will be less likely to hit the snooze button.
Similarly, you'll be less likely to invest time and energy in someone who is wrong for you.
One more reason to keep your glass half full: Optimists might be less likely to have a stroke.
Plus, it also means your body will be less likely to store fat, so your clothes will fit better.
If drug addicts can learn to deal with their doldrums, however, they may be less likely to relapse.
Conversely, 'people who don't feel that healthy may be less likely to drink six cups of coffee a day.
Because the robot cars would eventually be less likely to crash, they could be built lighter, reducing fuel consumption.
If sitting down to imagine your best possible self (an optimism exercise) feels contrived, you will be less likely to do it.
In the short run, you might be able to coerce a child to eat, but in the long run, they will be less likely to eat those foods.
Then perhaps when they graduate and hold positions of power, they'll be less likely to repeat their predecessors' policy mistakes.
In the long run, it will save you calories, because you'll feel more satisfied and you'll be less likely to binge and eat mindlessly.
Studies suggest that HIV-positive people may be less likely to engage in risky behaviour if they are enrolled in treatment programmes.
If you stand your ground in the meeting, you'll greatly increase their opinion of you, and they'll be less likely to try to trick you.
You could solve the problem by coming back to recession-hit London, where you would be less likely to have such excitements in your life.
These shoes will be less likely to overcompress when your heel hits the ground, which jeopardizes the amount of protection the shoe offers.
Even if you have the most interesting article ever, people will be less likely to link to it if the rest of your site doesn't live up to it.
Even if you have the most interesting article ever, people will be less likely to link to it if the rest of your site doesn't live up to it.