Modular rafts—platforms mounted on pontoons—would be linked together by hinges to create large, flattish surfaces that could nevertheless bend with the waves.
Unemployment of all sorts is linked with a level of unhappiness that cannot simply be explained by low income.
A new service can be linked into this simply by merging its own description with that in the thesaurus, since the merged documents remain legal RDF (as discussed in the database section).
Police say a note found by a burning bus on November 24th explicitly linked the campaign, the UPPs and the 2016 Olympics, due to be held in Rio: "with UPPs, no Olympics", it read.
The rooms, which run in a continuous band around the outer walls, are linked by a central corridor, and can be subdivided or joined with partitions.
By the same token, powerlessness can be toxic. Scores of studies have linked male depression to problems with success, power and competition.
The same chemicals are thought to be linked to a problem with European honeybees - the bees kept by farmers to pollinate crops.
The teaching contents are linked with the economic activities in enterprises. The learning of the course should be carried out by means of necessary methods and cooperative learning etc.
And the DSC analysis showed that N-thioacetyl-DL-serine could be linked to hair by changing the Sulfur-Sulfur bonds with the cystine in the hair.
Constructed between two giant stones and linked with a concrete mix, the house is rumored to be inspired by the popular American Flintstones cartoon.
Results of analysis with IR and ESCA showed that ring -shaped conjugated structures exist in the films. Copper atom may be linked to the polymer either by covalent bond or coordination bond.
红外光谱和电子能谱的分析结果表明:聚合物薄膜中含有环状共轭结构,铜与聚合物以共 价键、配 位键结合。
All twenty facilities will be linked by satellite broadcasting system so that employees can see and speak with each other.
Babel, who has been linked with moves to Aston Villa, Spurs and Arsenal, has predominantly been utilised off the bench by Benitez prompting speculation he could now be offloaded this summer.
Babel, who has been linked with moves to Aston Villa, Spurs and Arsenal, has predominantly been utilised off the bench by Benitez prompting speculation he could now be offloaded this summer.