The closure of petrol stations in country areas would be little short of disastrous for people who live in villages.
"You have to be more patient than anything you have heard or read about," Dr. Raglin said. "People are indoctrinated with what they can achieve in a short time with a little bit of work."
To live in a strange house with strange people is little short of torture, while the height of bliss is to receive the kind looks of women, and never to be slighted by them.
Peter Buffett brilliantly put it in his book ‘Life Is What You Make It’ when he said, “If, in the many facets of life at which we are destined to be average, we come up a little short, so what?
To be sure, sales of new homes did tend to do a little worse during recessions, but the difference was small and short-lived.
In short, the Sun's large-scale magnetic field is taken to be self-sustaining, so that the solar-activity cycle it drives would be maintained with little overall change for perhaps billions of years.
Others can be easily recognized by promisingthat an applicant can receive a degree in a very short period of time, sometimes as little as five days.
Ballack will be of little use to Mourinho in the short term, with his ankle problem showing few signs of improvement.
He may be embarrassed to acknowledge he's a little short of funds himself, or maybe the money he lends you maybe he just needs too.
Conclusion Laparoscopic surgery can be used safely and effectively in urology because of little injury and pain, rapid recovery, and short hospital stay.
Peter Buffett brilliantly put it in his book 'life is what You Make it' when he said, "if, in the many facets of life at which we are destined to be average, we come up a little short, so what?"
Be especially wary of those promising fantastic rankings in a short time for a little amount of money.
Short that it may be zero to six-year-old, to put it a little bit longer, probably until the age of twelve.
The 4 recess time is too short. Don't be too little activity. The rest of the time is not enough.
In China, there are a lot of little enterprises do not care about the corporate culture building. In a short term, for some reasons, operating status of these enterprises may be good.
Should Internet advertising be standardized or specialized is an even more confusing question. Little research has been done due to short history and lack of theoretical background.
SMS Fool: Fool's Day is approaching, make fun of a little turtle, he received a short message, the small turtle asked his mother he should be back short message?
This allows you to spend very little effort can be found in a very short period of time needed goods.
This allows you to spend very little effort can be found in a very short period of time needed goods.