When you have a winner, stick with your winner. Whether in love or in the stock market, winners are to be prized.
Surround yourself with people who love and respect you. Choose to be with the people who bring out the best in you.
If you expect to live with each other for the next few years and still be in love, dishonesty can get you into a great deal of trouble.
That is as it should be in Fallujah, but it makes life difficult in Wilmington, Delaware, when you are trying to become once more the person your wife fell in love with.
If you build your relationship on what you do, not what you say, Dr Love says the man in your life will feel more in tune with you, less threatened and there will be fewer issues to sort out.
Call, whenever you have the desire for it, Kryon, and allow yourself to be supplied with the magnetic love energy. It is the energy that each cell needs in order to align itself.
Instead of trying to be efficient, think about being efficient. How can you make a difference in the world? What would you really love to do with your life?
My dear Eliza, he must be in love with you, or he would never have called on us in this familiar way.
So my question is. I had this sense that the reason that you become friends with somebody is that you love some good in them that you wish to, you could be or have some or become like.
May you two always be in love! May happiness increase with age?
If someone you love or someone you work with has lousy listening habits, chances are they won't be interested in listening to your critique of their listening.
Falling in love with someone isn't always going to be easy... Anger... tears... laughter.. it's when you want to be together despite it all.
Have you ever seen a young man and a young woman that were in love, but they cannot ever seem to find any time to talk to each other or be with each other—they just do not have time?
It will be a time to take profits when you have them, to control losses and to not fall in love with any stock or sector.
However so often when you think you have fallen in love with someone, that person may just not be right for you!
Well Sir, to be perfectly honest with you, I'm very much in love with my sweetheart.
In the first place you had to be in love with a woman to have a basis of friendship.
Gary: I know she's head over heels in love with you. She'll be badly hurt!
May you two always be in love! May happiness increase with age!
If you are truly in love with that person, then you can meet a million other people who may be superior in one way or another, but still you won't switch.
So if you want to be in harmony with your love or with your fight, learn to react fast.
If you love someone, let it be suddenly fell in love with him, because if you love him, he will lose him, this is the punishment.
In the world, to share happiness with you is not love, can share the hard, must be.
And trust me, if I did, you wouldn't be so all in love with me.
"My love," said her mother, "you must not be offended with Elinor — she was only in jest."
"My love," said her mother, "you must not be offended with Elinor — she was only in jest."