Money should not be made on money, but by creating and selling things of value.
A lot of fame and money can be made by scientists who make amazing or unique discoveries, and while this generally provides a motivation for good research, it is occasionally abused.
It is often forgotten that money is to be made by leveraging the collective long tail, however, making money while being part of the long tail is very difficult.
I think ads are only one of the paths that attention takes, and in the long-run, they will only be part of the new ways money is made selling the free.
The author argues that a film's theatrical run is little more than a marketing campaign for the subsequent release of DVDs and TV broadcasts, where the real money is to be made.
We could talk for a very long time about the Web, but let me briefly say that, today, there is a lot of money to be made.
It was hard to estimate how much money the operators of Rustock had made, said Mr Lanstein, but it was likely to be a huge figure.
"People are beginning to pay attention to what use is going to be made of their money, and they're prepared to assign value to that," Lay says.
Unfortunately millions and millions of dollars have not been spent on this research perhaps because there was no money to be made not because it is not a possibility to be proven true.
Companies have made huge investments in time and money developing their heritage applications, many of which have hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of lines of code that have to be recoded.
If operators reckon there is money to be made running mobile networks even in some of the poorest parts of the world, have USFs had their day?
如果各大运营商认为在世界上一些最贫困的地区经营移动通讯网络能够赢利,那么U SF是否终于得以使用了?
The money is made out of polypropylene, which can be recycled and used to create new products including plumbing fittings, compost bins and other household items.
As Rob Carlson of the University of Washington points out, if money is to be made selling products made from exhaust gas, then that gas goes from being waste matter to being a valuable resource.
But if a new stimulus is well designed, with much of the money spent on assets, the fiscal position and future growth can actually be made stronger.
Every parent wants his or her children to be wise in handling money. As in other areas of life, we hope to equip them so they won't repeat the costly mistakes we may have made in years gone by.
Jim wrote in his first book, 'Confessions of a Street Addict,' that I was wildly emotional except when there was money to be made, at which point I was as cold as Saturn.
Even the poorest Americans are rich by the standards of many other countries, so there is money to be made by serving them. McDonald's, for example, is booming.
The basic problem is that there is money to be made out of a bubble, particularly on the selling side.
The region's successful local media firms show that there is also lots of money to be made from subscriptions, sponsorship and product placement.
Even though the deposits are short-term and the depositor can get the money at any time, the depositor is earning interest of a level that can only be made on long-term loans.
There are lots of terawatts to play for and lots of money to be made.
If so, there is still a lot of money to be made speculating.
Some less scrupulous people in the fashion industry also USES human hair to thicken the pile of fur coats. It means coats can be made for less money.
Approval of the plan presupposes that the money will be made available.
There's going to be a lot of money made by somebody in cocoa beans.
The fact that there'll be a lot of money made by somebody doesn't bother me really.
The buy-out firms reckon there is money to be made from the ageing of populations in rich countries.
Money should not be made on money, but by creating and selling things of value .
Money should not be made on money, but by creating and selling things of value .