I want our researchers to be more proactive and collaborative with other LABS.
If you wish to be more proactive, you need to generate HeapDumps at appropriate times for analysis.
We will be more proactive to speak to the patrons in crowded areas instead of just the counselling area.
"You have to be more proactive in the missing parts of infrastructure," says Martin Dlouhy, boss of Metro India.
当地麦德龙公司的老板Martin Dlouhy表示“由于印度基础设施的不完善,我们不得不做更多的铺垫工作”。
Once they know what their rights are, they can be more proactive in demanding that these rights are met, " she says.
To ensure stable economic performance, we will be more proactive on the basis of maintaining overall policy stability.
Facebook must also be more proactive in telling members how to avoid having their personal-information kept on file indefinitely.
With this knowledge at belt, you will feel more at ease to troubleshoot IDS issues and be more proactive in tuning your database server for better performance.
掌握了该知识,您将更加善于解决IDS 的故障诊断问题,并在调优数据库服务器来获取更好性能方面更加积极主动。
The community should be more proactive on this front to allay fears; pointing to Android as an example of how GPL-licensed code can work is one possibility.
National Societies will be more proactive in raising public awareness of potential risks and means to mitigate or reduce disaster effects through risk management.
This article will discuss in detail each of those components and give some practical and useful tips on how to actively monitor database engine performance and how to be more proactive in tuning.
I want our organization to be less reactive and more proactive.
This freedom allows you to be a more proactive systems administrator.
Whereas in the past, workers tended to wait for their rights to be violated before taking action, they are now becoming more proactive.
It is becoming more and more important to be a well-rounded person, someone who takes a proactive role in one’s community and has interests outside of work.
Be proactive. You can find out more about stress management online or at the library.
This allows better classification, better searching and a more relevant and proactive customer experience to be offered to the user.
With enhanced surveillance, we will see more cases and that is why it makes good sense to be proactive, by doing things we know are effective in reducing exposure.
So, , in order to make our homes more beautiful, we all want to take care of the environment around, see the uncivilized phenomenon, be proactive to dissuade him.
Most occupational stress boils down to a perceived lack of control, and can be alleviated by taking a more proactive stance.
Among many benefits, a website can be an important way to compete for customers, including potential customers from overseas, to become more involved and proactive in gaining web competitive edge.
However, a more proactive way to solve the problem would be making money, not just saving money.
Or, a more proactive mechanism could be used to predict possible changes in the resource status so proactive scheduling decisions can be made.
A better approach, however, is to be far more proactive in building new businesses.
More stress should be put on second line of defense policies like proactive defense, intrusion detection and monitoring mechanisms for the mitigation or the prevention of attacks.
A better approach, however, is to be far more proactive and to use change as a stimulus for problem solving which, in turn, triggers creative thinking.
A better approach, however, is to be far more proactive and to use change as a stimulus for problem solving which, in turn, triggers creative thinking.