In the school I will play many games there will be no class on Children's day everybody will have fun.
In the school, I will play many games, there will be no class on Children's day, everybody will have fun.
All students are required to come to school on Saturday morning as usual, but there will be no class that afternoon.
No matter what your major may be, you can expect to spend between four and six hours a week for each class attending lecture.
Excuse me, I'm supposed to be having my physics class in the science building, but no one's in the classroom.
Since there is no way to know when this class will be referenced and since it has no explicit initialization methods, this appears legitimate.
There's no homework for this class and there won't be any for the follow on class but I want you to spend your time to do the homework that you already have assigned.
Rational Performance Tester USES the IDataArea class to retain these values, which can be instantiated and accessed at the virtual user level, ensuring no crossover of data.
RationalPerformance Tester使用IDataAre a类来保留这些值,它可以得到实例化,并在虚拟的用户层次上进行访问,确保数据没有错误。
There's no special interface that needs to be implemented to make a class an aspect, but specific method signatures are required to access the class as an aspect.
There will be a 30-minute map test at the end of the second week of the course. (Those students joining the course late can make up the map test outside of class with no penalty.)
In some cases, there may be no item class on an item, so null can be returned.
The searched-for class definition existed when the currently executing class was compiled, but the definition can no longer be found.
当目前执行的类已经编译,但是找不到它的定义时,会存在searched -for类定义。
The drawbacks (for some people) are the limits on shareholders: no more than 100 of them, they must be individual us citizens or residents, and only one class of stock is allowed.
It follows, then, that while there is no ideal state for all machines, there is an ideal state to be achieved for a given machine class.
Football's fear and loathing would like us to believe they have "no class", that they are the kind of lottery winner who would be chewing gum as they swigged from a beaker of warm champagne.
Herein lies the intersection between race and class - without an understanding of which little sense can be made, and no effective challenge mounted, against modern racism.
In other words, when two class loaders load different classes (that is, different bytecodes) with the same name, class loader constraints guarantee that there will be no type mismatch between them.
We need to be people, for example, who show no pride when they come to class and race.
If no class objects are found in the owner chain, then this denotes the root object in the memory dump from where the leak container can be reached.
The new generation of sushi chefs make a point of being customer-friendly, though there’s no denying that a top class sushi-ya can still be daunting, even for natives.
One boy in my school bought a flower for every single girl in his first period class, so that no one would be left out.
But few Americans, no matter their class, will be eager for that outcome.
Goodall had no academic training, having grown up in the middle-class gentility of Bournemouth in the postwar years, a time when women were expected to be wives and little else.
NASA's newest class of astronauts signed up knowing there'd be no U. S. rockets to launch them into space, at least not in the immediate future.
NASA's newest class of astronauts signed up knowing there'd be no U.S. rockets to launch them into space, at least not in the immediate future.
NASA's newest class of astronauts signed up knowing there'd be no U.S. rockets to launch them into space, at least not in the immediate future.