As these findings show, exercise and academics may not be mutually exclusive.
But as these findings show, exercise and academics may not be mutually exclusive.
Doing good and doing right need not be mutually exclusive — and in this case should even be mutually reinforcing.
Screen data rendered in each tabbed folder does not need to be mutually exclusive; you can certainly duplicate data across tabs, depending on your requirements.
To repeat, these approaches are not mutually exclusive and will increasingly be deployed alongside each other.
"The important stuff" not only varies among individuals and groups; those differences can in fact be mutually exclusive.
You should consider Settings and options to be mutually exclusive. That is, you should not offer both Settings and configuration options in your application.
The two need not be mutually exclusive, and indeed some repositories that implement XAPI also implement XQuery.
Was used to plot a long time, it becomes a culture. However, culture should not only be mutually exclusive, culture should also have its influence and financial power package.
The strategies of differentiation and cost leadership are not mutually exclusive and can be achieved simultaneously by an enterprise to gain competitive advantage.
There are various theories, not necessarily mutually exclusive, upon which may be based an action against a manufacturer or seller to recover for product-caused harm.
There are various theories, not necessarily mutually exclusive, upon which may be based an action against a manufacturer or seller to recover for product-caused harm.