This will be only a small dent, perhaps, to the confidence of Greek tour operators, who say arrivals are slightly up this year, albeit not as much as in destinations like Turkey and Cyprus.
This could be down to laziness, the cost of going out or simply not wanting too much personal contact with friends and family but just enough to swap brief messages and online chats。 It all adds up.
Not only will you end up with a nicely localized product but you will make the work of application maintainers much easier down the road regardless of the bug to be fixed or the feature to be added.
The act of setting up a SOAP server might be too much to ask of a non-technical person, and not everyone would really want something as big as a SOAP server running on their home machine.
Why not go out to a “swankier” restaurant than usual (it doesn’t have to be much more expensive), or just get dressed up in your party clothes for a special meal for two at home?
That they will not be so bound—neither is willing to give up so much sovereignty to an international legal process—makes seeking its extension moot.
It also might be wise to invite other people perhaps farther up the chain who may not spend as much time with the team, such as the manager's boss or the person paying for the project.
It was not so much the little less or more that he objected to as the failure to be up to the standard.
SpAds [special advisers] here apparently on side... on principle of better to have announced (not very much) proactively than be accused of an attempted cover-up if it leaks.
There's also up to 256MB disk-on-chip storage , which may not seem like much, but most of the data storage needs will be taken care of by the data center.
However, this will be my first visit to the Taj, and as tourist attractions seem rarely to live up to expectations, I did not expect too much.
Of course it's great to earn and save up money, but be careful not to work too much.
So scientists not only predicted how hot this year was likely to be six months ago, they forecast a decade ago just how much the world would heat up 10 years later.
In a car, says Mr Noack, this process could be done at a garage in not much more time than it takes to fill up a conventional car with petrol.
One of the first things that Harry learns in his new world is that much of the muggle technology he grew up with is not to be found.
Of course, they must be careful not to let it take up too much of their time because study is still their primary responsibility.
Yan However, the mood is always changing with him, because too much care about it but will not be able to endure the kind of lonely, always see him a long time, they hate them angry up.
Just because I love too much, so we do not want to be friends after breaking up.
Last but not least, it is world-renowned manufacturer of fireworks, firecrackers and pyrotechnics, reason why it is very much likely to be woken up in the middle of the night by a volley of cracks.
You want to be slightly lower than the camera, so you're looking up at it, but not so much you're craning your neck.
I would not hesitate, I chose to challenge themselves, although I have much to be desired, but I believe I will grow up in a variety of errors.
"This may not seem to be much, but what it does is destabilize the entire argument," Aldana said, "a few scholars have stood up and said, no, the GMT is wrong."
It's not up to me as much as my body and how I feel, but I have no reason to believe that I won't be playing for a long time. I feel great right now.
To sum up, historical questions should be expounded only in broad or general outline, and not in too much detail.
To sum up, historical questions should be expounded only in broad or general outline, and not in too much detail.