You need more than a great career. You need enough of what truly makes your life worth living, however frivolous and financially impractical that turns out to be.
You can imagine what you get: each hours worth of drama, if you like, may be great, but it may have absolutely nothing to do with the other twelve hours.
And if he could bring great players to New York, they'd be worth a lot of money to him.
Acting, at its best, can be a great art, a thing worth doing supremely well, though its worth, like that of all interpretative arts, is lessened by its evanescence.
The disruption to the team will be great, particularly if Butt proves his worth and is still in form, then South China will feel the pain of his departure more.
Many of them justify this commute by saying that their job is worth it, or that it allows them to have a bigger house. But the commute may be doing them great harm at home and at work.
Born in America, Thomas Edison was a great scientist and inventor. He was once thought to be a boy who was not worth educating. In fact, he was a man full of imagination.
Women of that class have great opportunities, and if they are intelligent may be well worth listening to.
However, I moved the king of great power and am honored to be bestowed a lot of wealth, which is my ability and worth showing off.
However, I moved the king of great power and am honored to be bestowed a lot of wealth, which is my ability and worth showing off.