Possibly as a result, several new business groups have emerged-a rarity in a region where companies tend to be of long standing.
This need not be expensive, but it will require greater participation, an active dialog within the community, and a willingness to question some of our long-standing traditions.
A long standing problem with Microsoft's implementation of the CLR is that only one can be loaded into a process at a time.
The list, first published in 1999 is a fledgling among the more long standing lists in popular media but has quickly grown to be one of the most anticipated.
The long-standing practice of goal-setting can actually be a major obstacle to sustained, vigorous motivation – and being great.
Writer, by contrast, seems to be standing still, and some of its problems — notably, cross-references — are almost as long-neglected as some of Word's.
Grizzlies are known to be some of the most dangerous bears and have a long-standing history in the Grand Tetons.
灰熊在美国大特顿山(Grand Tetons)已经有很长的一段历史了,它们被认为是最危险的物种之一。
This appears to be a reference to James Inhofe, a US senator and long-standing climate sceptic, who last month called for a criminal investigation of climate scientists.
这看起来似乎与詹姆斯·因霍夫(JamesInhofe)的观点形成了鲜明的对照,他是一名美国参议员,同时也是一个长期的气候怀疑论者。 他上个月曾要求对气候科学家进行刑事调查。
Unfortunately, both groups use the exact same word for two rather different concepts, and that may be the source of a long-standing misunderstanding and conflict.
The career on the horseback of songs leisurely long remote makes the MongoljEn music culture of Khorchin to be long standing and well-established, thuansing and develop.
Parenteral somatostatin analog octreotide has been shown to be useful in the treatment of severe long-standing diabetic diarrhea (1).
Problem solving using the releasing method can often be lightning quick with problems of long standing.
Research on matrix generalized inverses is of long standing and tends to be mature.
This will be an overview of the private military industry enterprises, management and its scope of business areas such as a preliminary discussion and analysis, has opened its long-standing mystery.
But in the trend of long-term appreciation of the RMB, only financial hedging can not deal with exchange rate risks, which will be long-standing challenges.
In 2020, many long-standing problems of human disease, may be a solution.
Once the creation intention sprouts, the long-standing unconsciousness in writer's inner mind will leap forward to be obvious conciousness under the appealing of the literary aesthetic peculiarity.
Relatively here in China, entrepreneurs' lack of social responsibility has somehow blocked business progresses because only with enough talent and stable culture could a company be long-standing.
China has a long-standing ambition to be self-sufficient in grain - rice, wheat, maize (corn) and soya beans - yet it imported some 95 million tonnes last year, about 17% of its domestic production.
China has a long-standing ambition to be self-sufficient in grain - rice, wheat, maize (corn) and soya beans - yet it imported some 95 million tonnes last year, about 17% of its domestic production.