Last Monday, my father would be on a business trip for five days.
However young they are, they should not be told Daddy is going on a business trip or Mommy is going to visit Grandma.
When we go on a business trip, we will be faced with the choice of traveling by train orby plane.
And you'd be right, but there's a lot of business going on here at this restaurant tonight, and after working so hard to come in under budget on our trip to Oslo, well, I thought we deserved a treat.
He is on a business trip and is suppose to be back this morning.
Can be used in the daily hygiene nursing and personal health nursing of being away on holiday, journey and being on a business trip.
Kyle: Ah hah, you must be happy. You've been itching to go on a business trip for months.
Sweden's Bernd Aurich, who's in town on a business trip, said the New Year's Eve made him homesick, but he's glad to be celebrating with his friends in Shanghai.
来上海工作的瑞典朋友Bernd Aurich说,新年夜让他非常想家,但他仍然很高兴可以和自己的朋友共同在上海迎接新年的到来。
I'll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat?
I 'be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat?
I need to be cared for because my mother caught a cold in bed and my father on a business trip to Shanghai was on leave for 3 days …
I need to be cared for because my mother caught a cold in bed and my father on a business trip to Shanghai was on leave for 3 days …