But with emerging markets continuing to surge, local champions will be on the prowl for more acquisitions.
Part of your responsibility as a server-side developer is to be on the prowl for frictions in the operations around you.
He's moving quickly to quell the public outcry following a big oil spill off the coast of France, and will likely be on the prowl again before long.
That would be a great advantage not only for predators on the prowl, but also escaping prey.
Then, with walking robots like ASIMO already on the prowl, the next question will be: Will it take until 2050 before a robot will be able to completely fool you into thinking that it is human?
The study shows that ignorance can be safer than carnal knowledge when predators are on the prowl.
In fact, the world could yet be laid low by an oil monster on the prowl.
In the short term, private-equity firms, on the prowl for buying opportunities, may be willing to bet against the pack.
In the short term, private-equity firms, on the prowl for buying opportunities, may be willing to bet against the pack.