We feel honored to be on the scene while all this is happening.
Patients shall be on the scene when duplicating or reproducing their medical records.
Forwards do remain an issue for Capello and that is underlined now that the injured Emile Heskey will not be on the scene to enjoy the so far fruitful partnership with Wayne Roney in Doha.
The concept might not be new, but the proliferation of hip, new-school sketch soirees in recent years is having an effect on not only the art scene but nightlife, too.
At the scene, he heard someone was reminding people, "Don't help, be careful later his family blames all on you."
Let him be absorbed as he would in the Son on whom he built such high hopes, he could not forget that closing scene.
Regular people can learn from that knowledge, since, after all, we will be the first on the scene of any disaster.
If you're looking at an elephant in the jungle, the Westerner will focus on the elephant and the Easterner is going to be more thinking about the jungle scene that has the elephant in it.
But though it may have been their difficulties that drove these two companies into each other's arms, the resulting giant will be a force to be reckoned with on America's health-care scene.
On the scene, groups of men clad in military uniform could be seen running in the area of the fire carrying plastic wash basins and hand towels.
在现场,一队队身着军装的男子正快速进入起火区域,带着塑料洗脸盆和手巾 。
It would be nice to have such a person once more on the public scene.
Callum: Today science in the movies. And we start with a question based on a scene that will be familiar to many science-fiction fans.
For all your essays, be sure to focus your reading, preferably on a single character, scene, or even passage in the work(s), and to support your point with a close reading of the text.
It would be more than a decade before the Pistons and Bulls were again major figures on the NBA scene.
Together we can take on all of the needs of Mankind, to set the scene for the final changes that will be the close of the cycle of duality.
The tools will be usable on any object in your scene.
In the scene when Denethor burns Faramir on the pyre, the pyre could not truly be on fire because Gandalf's horse would not go near it.
In this case, the warship arrived on the scene even if there can only be looked on helplessly while the pirates were escorted off the ship and began a new round of bargaining activities.
Remember, whether you choose to do a full scene or just focus on a character(s) the work will be judged on the idea, originality, and quality.
The deleted scene on the DVD, "General Grievous Slaughters a Jedi, " should instead be considered an interesting look at what might have been.
Finally the director sent for him. I have to shoot a big scene tomorrow, said the director, and I'm depending on you. What will the weather be like?
Finally the director sent for him. I have to shoot a big scene tomorrow, said the director, and I'm depending on you. What will the weather be like?