My hand racket, of course, don't give up, there would be opportunistic to pick up.
Instead, these opportunistic organisms may simply be capitalizing on the slow death of the invertebrates due to pollution, climate change, or other factors.
For people who have already contracted an opportunistic infection and undergone successful treatment, secondary prophylaxis may be advisable to prevent recurrence.
For opportunistic folks who used social media tools to find and jump into recent rioting and looting in London, those same tools could be used to nab them soon enough.
In particular, some opportunistic infections may be unmasked shortly after the beginning of HAART as the immune system starts to recover, and these may require specific treatment.
These infections would usually be fought off by a healthy immune system, but a low CD4 cell count means opportunistic infections such as PCP (a type of pneumonia) can be life-threatening.
To aid the opportunistic reuse one or more classification schemas are created and the metrics to be collected are specified, to help justify the level of governance in this community.
It reminded investors just how bold and opportunistic Mr Li can be.
Some opportunistic infections may be diagnosed by observation or using a microscope, and treated where there is minimal health infrastructure.
Opportunistic infections such as toxoplasmosis, MAC and cytomegalovirus infection can be diagnosed and treated in places with advanced infrastructure.
Panic alone is anticipated to be a problem but opportunistic looting and violence against trapped civilians is anticipated to be the larger issue.
The modes of propaganda are opportunistic and the polemics can be vicious.
When the supervision mechanism and punishment mechanism are strengthening in construction market, the construction bodies' opportunistic action will be controlled in construction stage.
You may not be able to obtained earning through opportunistic (gambling etc. ) this year, work hard on accordingly, which is the correct way of making money.
Opportunistic networks could be built up in many cases in physical environment to opportunistically provide many kinds of service required by users.
Opportunistic networks could be built up in many cases in physical environment to opportunistically provide many kinds of service required by users.