What you'd like to be able to do is write one style sheet that handles all of the balance-type fields in the original document, without having to recode each new document type you create.
Idioms usually have distinct image, and in the process of translating, faithful, if can idioms significance of the original image of idioms, will be better able to maintain the style of the original.
The translation of a text should be in the same style as the original text, as far as possible.
In translation, the reproduction of original style cannot be neglected.
The emotion, mood, style, metaphoric implication, and rhythmic beauty in the translated version should be similar or equal to the original.
They range in price from about $150 for a "bootleg" version that is far from the original in color and style to more than $800 for one that can be custom-made .
They range in price from about $150 for a "bootleg" version that is far from the original in color and style to more than $800 for one that can be custom-made .