This will provide a sound basis for assessment of the various Hong Kong-Guangdong infrastructure projects likely to be proposed as economic integration accelerates.
Only the critical resources should be assigned, in a proposed state, as a means of holding them for this new initiative.
Based on analyzing the existing paper-based process and the business requirements, the redesigned EMR process (" to-be "process) was proposed, as you can see in Figure 9.
Or there could be a levy on all carbon emissions above certain national thresholds - as proposed by Switzerland.
A common thread throughout is that the Flexnerian model of medical education may now be in for changes nearly as profound as those Flexner proposed 100 years ago.
Spring 2002 would be a good time to get to know the spec if you think it will offer big enough benefits that you want to try it out as soon as it reaches Proposed Recommendation status.
In one proposed model the method would be made available as a "service" that vehicle drivers would need to sign up for.
The cash element of any alternative bid would be of key interest, as would the synergistic and strategic potential if equity were proposed as part of the offer.
As far back as 1950, Alan Turing proposed the Turing Test as a method of determining whether an entity should be treated as intelligent.
What's more, they proposed a theory as to what these ripples might be.
NATO's nuclear guarantee will be substantially less credible if, as several allies have proposed, shared responsibility for nuclear missions is ended.
As such, it was proposed that the explosion happen on the border of the visible part of the moon, so that the resulting mushroom cloud would be clearly visible, being illuminated by the sun.
The entire point of a brainstorming session will be lost if everyone’s ideas aren’t duly recorded as they are proposed.
It remains unclear as to how the proposed two-child policy will work, though it's being suggested that several big cities will be selected to try it before its brought in around the country.
And the proposed Atom media extension allows media items such as photographs, video and audio files, and business presentations to be embedded within an Activity Streams feed.
Mr Bhatti extended the scheme to other areas, such as cracking down on vets who demanded bribes from farmers, and has proposed that the Jhang model, as it is now known, be adopted in other districts.
Your views will be taken into consideration as we prepare the draft plan and proposed budget for submission to the Health Assembly in May.
The proposed method of work for the second meeting will be as follows
The rise in the level of greenhouse gases, which can be demonstrated on the basis of air bubbles trapped in glaciers, has been proposed as evidence of the beginning of the "age of man."
The proposed increase in the firepower of the main bail-out fund, the EFSF, will not be enough to protect Italy should it go under, as it has threatened to do in recent weeks.
而已提出的增加主要纾困基金“欧洲金融稳定基金”(European Financial Stability Fund)的援助力度将不足于保护将要破产的意大利,而近几周来它已经在威胁要这样做了。
Several different choice of law rules have been proposed from time to time as being the most appropriate, but some which have been adopted abroad have ceased to be applied there.
The rest of the price would be used as our equity participation in the proposed plant.
So it won't be dramatically cheaper as some had proposed.
But it would be as attractive as the real one, because chocolate is gaining a dazzling popularity among the Chinese, said Tan Liya, pr manager of the proposed World chocolate Wonderland.
The definitive proxy statement will be mailed to Stockholders as of a record date to be established for voting on the proposed transaction.
The definitive proxy statement will be mailed to Stockholders as of a record date to be established for voting on the proposed transaction.