There is much that has either to be put in place or removed.
Before you leave the office, everything should be put in place.
If the test is successful, about 116 miles would be put in place.
The entire observatory would be put in place by robotic vehicles.
Some high level but defined quality standards must be put in place.
Restrictions can be put in place to restrict certain commands to users.
Moreover, the reverse-engineering environment and tools should be put in place.
That's just a way to allow for a CSS rule to be put in place when the mouse hovers over the image.
There are systems that can be put in place that will guide you financially towards wards success.
A schedule change should then be put in place to change the password when the applications have closed.
These are situational applications that might need to be put in place quickly to meet a short term need.
Still, he said, the companies must take care to comply with the rules, which will be put in place locally.
Certain restrictions need to be put in place due to the sensitive nature of the data that could be printed.
To determined if proposed modifications to the project baseline should be made, what should be put in place?
为了决定是否对项目基准按建议的修改进行更改,以下何项应安排到位? 。
Do you realize that 200 or so people assembled this way, and a block against the marauders could be put in place?
To test for this preference for information, which is a cognitive reward, a new paradigm needed to be put in place.
This makes it possible to reduce the amount of inventory that needs to be put in place to meet demand for the product.
Simple measures to prevent the spread of TB among HIV-infected people, especially in health care Settings, also need to be put in place.
The schedule for ES4 required that the standard be put in place and adopted by the browser makers before that question could be answered.
The only problem is that such an enterprise has never been attempted in deep water, and it would take at least two weeks to be put in place.
Phil Jackson led teams have always wanted to peak at the right time and with this group I expect that the same mindset will be put in place.
Capital structures can be put in place that will allow you to spend before you pay tax on legitimate expenses and maximize your tax deductions.
The first part of the plan is to develop a "plan"…sounds obvious, but just as with any business venture, a well thought out plan must be put in place.
A daily replication schedule must be put in place and adhered to in order to keep code, data, and environment changes across all development sites in sync.
Public health measures such as enhanced surveillance and immunization may be put in place at the borders by Tajik health authorities and their counterparts.
This flux has a direct impact on the standards that can be put in place, the management controls that can be exerted, and the governance that can be achieved.
This flux has a direct impact on the standards that can be put in place, the management controls that can be exerted, and the governance that can be achieved.