Refusal to do so shall be put on record in the case file.
Miss Wang:His signatures will be put on record of the registration authority.
In light of different circumstances, the separable mass cases may be put on record and accepted separately.
The south China sea dispute to arbitration is a matter of sovereignty, the case should not be put on record, from the beginning to mention trial and judgment.
What the Copenhagen Accord pledges begin to do is put countries on the record behind policies and programs that can be"measured, reported, and verified" -- MRV, in the lingo.
For a while, we didn't know if we were going to put it on the record because if it wasn't going to be on the show, then we weren't going to put it on the album.
Many sleepwalkers do not seek help and so are never put on record, which means that an accurate count can never be made.
The Swede has a impressive record on his home event and will be determined to put on a strong showing to repay a number of his fans who have donated much-needed funding.
All records used in the internal audit are to be put on files according to the record control Procedure by the DCC controller.
If lessor or tenant have, just be harbor, bay, the person of mesa area or foreigner, lessor was about to put on record to Beijing land natural resources and building management board.
The hospital seal should be put across the photo on the Record, otherwise the Record is invalid.
The hospital seal should be put across the photo on the Record, otherwise the Record is invalid.