The puzzled officer demanded to know how could that be. The driver replied, "Tonight I'm the designated decoy!"
If you didn't understand that logic, you might be puzzled by many items in the House g.
She seemed puzzled and a bit frustrated that she had to be so insistent on her own demise.
Ever since the human-genome project was completed, it has puzzled biologists that animals, be they worms, flies or people, all seem to have about the same number of genes for proteins-around 20, 000.
The poor would be puzzled to hear that the profit motive is in retreat.
I was more puzzled when I got there - Mr. Wu insisted that I be seated in the most prominent spot, and placed himself and all his associates at the table in lesser positions.
Whether the kiss convinced Hareton, I cannot tell: he was very careful, for some minutes, that his face should not be seen, and when he did raise it, he was sadly puzzled where to turn his eyes.
It's true that he has failed to gauge accurately your intelligence, but if you made that complaint he'd be puzzled.
Speaking concretely, to be successful or to find our own position, on the one hand, we have to keep positive and confident so that we will not be easy to feel puzzled and abandon ourselves in mental.
I felt puzzled. How could this paper that I thought was a definite bad grade be the best one I've written all year.
By now she realized that it could not be an invitation, but was puzzled about why they asked it.
One day, he realized that such a long time had passed, that he had even forgotten what love meant. This made him feel sad and puzzled. Could love actually be forgotten?
By now she realized that it could not be an invitation, but was puzzled as to why they asked it.
But could it be possible that the finite rational beings have freedom? Arent people limited in the law of nature as animals and other creatures? Man is puzzled.
That night, I wrote down in the form of a story all the questions that puzzled me about life. I realized that many of them were hard to answer, and perhaps others could not be answered at all.
因为我根本没有回答 “我不明白为什么事物都是现在这个样子”这个问题,我找不着答案,只写下了问题。
That night, I wrote down in the form of a story all the questions that puzzled me about life. I realized that many of them were hard to answer, and perhaps others could not be answered at all.
因为我根本没有回答 “我不明白为什么事物都是现在这个样子”这个问题,我找不着答案,只写下了问题。