The emissions reductions that could be expected through meeting these family planning needs would be roughly equivalent to the reductions that would come from ending all tropical deforestation.
In total some 500, 000 square kilometres, roughly equivalent to the size of Spain, will be better protected in the three zones.
If this number - roughly equivalent to the population of Japan - do settle permanently in cities, it will not be their sweat so much as their spending power that shapes China's destiny.
In total some 500,000 square kilometres, roughly equivalent to the size of Spain, will be better protected in the three zones.
So with an IQ roughly equivalent to that of the family pooch, the crow's image should be looking up.
The product will be sold in packs of 10 sticks, priced roughly equivalent to a premium moist smokeless tobacco brand, Garcia said.
According to the FIA standard 8853/98, every fastening point of the belts must be able to withstand a load of 14.7 kilonewtons, the equivalent of roughly 1,470 kilograms.
According to the FIA standard 8853/98, every fastening point of the belts must be able to withstand a load of 14.7 kilonewtons, the equivalent of roughly 1,470 kilograms.