Inevitably the Indians hoped that Mr Obama would be as rude as possible about Pakistan.
You couldn't actually be rude to them, but you couldn't help feeling about them the same way that, say, a Vietnam veteran would feel about someone who wears combat gear to Neighborhood Watch meetings.
You needn't be so rude about it, 'my wife answered as she looked at herself in the mirror.
When we can be honest about who we are and what we want, there is no need to demand, be rude or aggressive, or manipulate others that are involved in helping us get what we want.
You had better not ask about my salary — that would be rude.
Don't be so rude about your teachers.
So, don't be a rude jerk. Walk the walk and personally act the way you want people to think about when they think about your company. It's easy to get this wrong.
It is also too rude to be nice about it and puts up this patronizing error message.
At this be laughed, and after some general words about my rude behavior and how I had better be careful in the future, signified the incident was closed.
But it tends to be Americans who care about service more, as long as waiters are not rude, and the food arrives reasonably quickly, that's fine for me.
Maybe it is really wrong to be so rude about you.
Avoid pointing out that someone is fat or making any comments about weight, unless you're trying to be rude.
Avoid pointing out that someone is fat or making any comments about weight, unless you're trying to be rude.