The Indian market opportunity can be segmented into tiers.
The history of the Internet can be segmented into three phases.
Documents processed by source viewers can be segmented into several partitions of different content type.
Once the executable instructions of a program have been identified they may be segmented into groups representing procedures (or functions).
By adding additional configuration changes in connect.cfg (DefaultContentCache), the cached site can be segmented into user, site, session, and so on (all or some).
通过在connect . cf g中添加另外的配置修改(DefaultContentCache),缓存的站点可以分段为用户、站点、会话等(部分或所有)。
By product, the market can be segmented into capacitive sensors, ultrasonic sensors, magnetic sensors, LVDT sensors, photoelectric sensors, inductive sensors, and others.
According to the MPEG-4 verification model, video sequence must be segmented into semantic video objects. Their motion, shape and texture information are coded respectively.
按照MPEG - 4的校验模型,视频序列必须先分割成具有语义意义的视频对象,然后对其运动、形状和纹理分别进行编码。
Side-scan sonar image (SSI) must be segmented into regions of shadow, sea-bottom-reverberation, and object-highlight before underwater object can automatically be detected and recognized.
Side-scan sonar image (SSI) must be segmented into regions of shadow, sea-bottom-reverberation, and object-highlight before underwater object can automatically be detected and recognized.