How do you learn to be self-aware?
But teens have the mental ability to be self-aware.
To be successful in life, you need to be self-aware.
We must constantly be self-aware and diligent in our spiritual practice.
To be able to share a relationship with me I would like my lady to be self-aware, I believe we need to know our strengths and admit our weaknesses.
Once you realized you weren't the tools were laid out before you to get back to the right path, but you needed to be self-aware in the first place to begin applying those lessons.
In order to make a right choice, one must be realistic and have a sober analysis of various circumstances relevant to his decision. He must be self-aware and have a correct appraisal of himself.
Learning to be more self-aware is a skill, which means you learn it as you grow.
You have to learn to be aware of your self-talk, the thoughts you have about yourself and what you’re doing.
As he became more self-aware, he started to notice the underlying beliefs for his difficult behavior - felt it was his egoistic desire to be right, perfectionist nature, and a deep desire to succeed.
You just might not be aware of that if you're too busy being self-critical.
You have to learn to be aware of your self-talk, the thoughts you have about yourself and what you're doing.
In this sense man above all things becomes aware of the reasonable order of things when he knows of God, and knows him to be the completely self-determined.
When you have become fully aware of your cosmic-Self, your very nature will be cosmic and will NOT be focused on Self.
The more self-aware you are, the less of a problem this will be.
It is high time that we should be aware of the importance of self-protection.
Be aware that your intention is to enter into the energy for the purpose of self-healing and acknowledge it.
Actually, my fondness and greed on you have in the position of self-deception; I'm quite aware of that we can not be together, but my mood has been staying in the reluctance feeling.
The criminal could be aware of his crime so there is hope for him, whereas the man in self-righteous conflict of the opposites is merely lost in his own petty ambition to become.
Radiation workers are to employed or self-employed persons who frequently engage in practice and are aware that they may be subject to exposure.
To be aware of one's vision of an ideal work environment and plan self-development activities to achieve it.
Editors should therefore be more self - disciplined and highly elevated in their personal qualities and more aware of their responsibilities on their shoulders.
It may be that you gradually become more self-aware and begin to question beliefs and ideals that you have been brought up with.
Be aware that you are interested in yourself, and that your activities are self-centred.
The young people should be fully aware of its harm, be alert and have self-respect.
When you face a situation that makes you anxious, you need to be aware of your self talk. There are some key steps you must follow…
We have to be aware of what we do wrong, be self-critical, and calmly find the right solutions.
We have to be aware of what we do wrong, be self-critical, and calmly find the right solutions.