One cannot be shameless to this kind of level!
Tu glaze stones easily lose Guangrun, the best gold by hand friction loss, even though he is a correct, high principled person for reputation good, once fallen will still be shameless.
But the increasingly thin staffing of newsrooms seems to be encouraging the spinners to be more shameless than ever with such tactics.
Today’s youth may be web-savvy, but they also stand accused of being unread, bad at communicating, socially inept, shameless, dishonest, work-shy, narcissistic and indifferent to the needs of others.
End result: Starting later this year, the iPad will be confronted by an army of other touchscreen machines, from potentially worthy opponents to shameless wannabees.
When thou art offended with any man's shameless conduct, immediately ask thyself, Is it possible, then, that shameless men should not be in the world?
I used to be the biggest and boldest and most shameless of flirts when I was in my teens and twenties.
When he does not love you, your hard to retain will only be seen as a shameless entanglement.
Who have the honor taught you to be such shameless , greedy, vicious! ! ! !
Star » I will always remember you these shameless dog, when I see you when I will be a toxic Renggei your bones!
For this man also is one of those shameless men who must of necessity be in the world.
Ex. : As they're unwilling to help, then don't be so humble and shameless to beg.
Naturally, those shameless behaviors like plagiarism and imitation will turn to be a habit after confusion.
"But I lived here all the time," shouted the little bear uneasily, "How can you be so shameless?"
"But I lived here all the time," shouted the little bear uneasily, "How can you be so shameless?"