English translation of business, both in words or on translation is to be specialized in the study.
If you have no specialized skills, there's little reason to uproot to another state and be the last in line for a low-paying job at a new auto plant or a green-energy startup.
Of course, you might think there might not be many areas where the tree could spread into, because it's very specialized in terms of the habitat.
This is the easiest type of birder to be, because birding in the backyard does not necessarily require specialized equipment beyond a general field guide and a basic set of binoculars.
The process of specialization need not end there, however, as the three basic topic types can in turn be specialized to create new DITA topic types using the same process.
但是,专门化过程并不到此结束,因为三个基本主题类型又会以相同的过程被专门化,以创建新的DITA 主题类型。
In fact, the record shows that they were directed to be on the flight and that they had received specialized training in preparation for it.
An international market already exists for computerized data, and specialized fences are said to be playing a key role in this rapidly expanding criminal market.
The specialized base designer is an IRootDesigner because the top most designer in the designer hierarchy has to be an IRootDesigner (see Figure 12).
Aop (" aop ") : Specialized tags allow aop configuration to be much more concise in Spring 2.0 than previously, without the IoC container needing to depend on the aop framework.
aop (“aop”):Spring 2.0中专门的用来aop配置的标签比以前更加简洁,Ioc容器不再需要依赖aop框架。
The abstract stereotype can be specialized by another stereotype (for more information, see the Generalization section in Part 2 of this series).
By default, each specialized element in the new information type will be treated as an instance of its general equivalent.
This testing requires highly specialized skills and equipment in order to be optimally performed.
This specialized section can be used in any topic type that allows section elements.
Therefore, speculation should be done by experts in speculation, who have a specialized knowledge of the market, specialize in estimating the trend of prices and earn money easily.
By combining the two kinds of entities, the shell DTD allows the specialized content elements to be used in the same contexts as the base element.
In this article I described XSL-FO, the specialized XML vocabulary that can be used to create XML documents with formatting information included.
我在本文中描述了XSL - FO,这种可以用来创建包含格式化信息的XML文档的专门xml词汇表。
For laboratory work, Marburg virus has been classified as an extremely hazardous pathogen and can be handled safely only in specialized high-containment laboratories.
Think of a smart community of doctors in a specialized area who can be reached on demand, think of a smart community of researchers dedicated on a particular topic.
Specialized elements can be substituted for elements in the base content model.
Personal dashboards can be less specialized in support of a given business process, but they are often more customizable for given users.
Japan, as a country specialized in nuclear technology, is known to be building reactors resistant to earthquakes and the countrys disciplined business culture could be an asset to Turkey.
He said men tended to be more interested in specialized publications about a specific hobby or sport.
In a more complex system, more specialized lookup views and corresponding find methods may be needed.
But while Microsoft may be ahead in some facets, Google is innovating as well - and acquiring specialized technology to fold into its search engine.
In fact, reference typing elements such as conceptref and taskref may also be defined in the entities file for reuse in other specialized child lists.
In a modern browser, this will be a specialized element, like creating a div or table element.
In a modern browser, this will be a specialized element, like creating a div or table element.