Or even: What might Icelanders be especially suited to do?
I wrote about the 4 mechanisms I used to do what I call "Scattered Todo Management" and having tried orthodox GTD, I found this to be more suited to the way I work.
If you find yourself needing to do this, consider whether a tree control or other element better suited to multiple-level hierarchies would be more appropriate.
That document would be ill suited to storage in a relational database, but XQuery would do a good job of extracting the quantified information from the XML document directly.
该文档不适合存储在关系型数据库中,但是,XQuery却非常擅长此道,它能直接从该 XML 文档中抽取出量化信息。
That document would be ill suited to storage in a relational database, but XQuery would do a good job of extracting the quantified information from the XML document directly.
该文档不适合存储在关系型数据库中,但是,XQuery却非常擅长此道,它能直接从该 XML 文档中抽取出量化信息。