A workers' path to economic recovery would be the exact opposite of the above polices that the Chamber of Commerce is successfully implementing.
A frequently expanded, monolithic program is the exact opposite of this model, and it can be a maintenance nightmare.
Isn't it crazy how we do the exact opposite of what we should be doing?
It may mean the exact opposite: sacrificing your life in resistance to evil and injustice, or suffering in order to change what needs to be changed.
Though cell phones can be wonderful, liberating tools of communication, freeing us from the confines of an office and providing more leisure time, they often do the exact opposite.
The picture that some people have of heaven, that it is a boring place, but there will be parties in hell, that's the exact opposite of the real picture.
When I'm discouraged, I'm saying, "it can't be done." That's the exact opposite of saying, "I know God can do it because he said..."
It will be visible all night, rising at the exact point in the sky opposite where the sun sets.
This is actually the exact opposite of what I want, as white represents the bits of the image that will be selected, so I had to invert this channel.
For all the pious claim that examinations test what you know, it is common knowledge that they more often do the exact opposite. They may be a good means of testing memory.
For all the pious claim that examinations test what you know, it is common knowledge that they more often do the exact opposite. They may be a good means of testing memory.