I don't want to be tied to coming home at a particular time.
That might mean either developing a uniform way to mark videos and images, showing when and who they were made by, or abandoning phone calls altogether and moving towards data-based communications—using apps like FaceTime or WhatsApp, which can be tied to your identity.
这可能意味着,要么开发一种统一的方式来标记视频和图像,显示视频和图像是何时并由谁制作的,要么完全放弃电话,转向基于数据的通信——使用 FaceTime 或 WhatsApp 等应用,这些应用可以与你的身份挂钩。
Humans are believed to be tied to nature.
If teachers keep it form-free and student-led, it can still be tied to a curriculum and an educational plan.
About 72% of "unretiree" respondents said that they would return to work once retired to keep mentally fit while 59% said it would be tied to making ends meet.
You shouldn't be tied to a USB cord to access files.
We want our value to be tied to something that we own.
You do not like to be tied to possessions that you must take care of.
Generally, this pin is grounded, but it can be tied to any voltage reference.
Equally important, the meeting length should be tied to purpose, not to the clock.
This is a problem, because these concerns shouldn't be tied to a particular industry.
The reason is that such products do not want to be tied to a single database product.
His studio Numbers were unlisted and he moved around between them, refusing to be tied to one place.
You can use this approach whenever the lifetime of the mapping must be tied to the lifetime of the key.
Obama has said future assistance to the banking sector would be tied to a 90-day moratorium on foreclosures.
Like Odysseus passing the sirens, bankers need to be tied to a mast to stop them from giving in to temptation.
They like to maintain some kind of plausible deniability, not necessarily be tied to spectacular terrorist plots.
Mammaw really disliked Roger because she thought he was not the kind of man her daughter and grandson should be tied to.
Microsoft wants computing to continue to be tied to the desktop-three screens and a cloud, as Ballmer is fond of saying.
Mammaw really disliked Roger because she thought he was not the kind of man her daughter and grandson should be tied to.
Unless you plan to have a party centered around the kitchen (or BBQ), you don't want to be tied to last minute preparations.
This event could be tied to the opening of a dock door, the triggering of a motion sensor, or by some other input triggered by a dock door attendant.
It will also require that salaries for top executives be tied to the bank's performance while allowing some pay to be confiscated if Banks lose money.
This event could be tied to a sensor event, or it could be a derived event generated after an elapsed period of time in which no tag read events occur.
There is a disconnect here because in our hearts we don't want our value to be tied to something so uncertain and meaningless as our company or career.
Wages should ideally be tied to productivity, but workers are usually reluctant to suffer the pay cuts that are sometimes required to maintain that link.
Job and office moves will become voluntary, and up to 30% of the variable pay of the firm's top 1,100 managers will be tied to their "social" performance.
Job and office moves will become voluntary, and up to 30% of the variable pay of the firm's top 1, 100 managers will be tied to their "social" performance.
Job and office moves will become voluntary, and up to 30% of the variable pay of the firm's top 1, 100 managers will be tied to their "social" performance.