You may have something else entirely that you're having trouble giving up, but the process will be similar and step by step, if it's something you really want to do, you will get there.
This change in elite opinion has something to do with the lack of conclusive academic evidence that the past decade’s influx has been the economic boon it was cracked up to be.
Using the time to write more test specs for upcoming stories, doing a little analysis, or cleaning up something that you've been meaning to do would be better.
They always came to me with newer ideas of how to catch the thief. Their next idea is to do something so when the newspaper is taken, there will be some noise to wake them up.
If we end up having no other children, we'll have to be mindful to raise her to be part of something bigger than just us three. But must we share DNA to do that?
He has set up something that might be called a think-tank but would better be termed a "do-tank". An early project is to produce a league table of Polish courts according to their websites.
If you do expect to take a trip, it's likely to be wildly successful at this full moon. You will wrap up something important.
Given this change, I felt it was better to wait until something closer to the final JAXB code was available before writing the follow-up, and I'm happy to finally be able to do so now!
It shouldn't be so hard, since all you need to do to lose weight is to consume fewer calories than your body burns up, yet it is something that many of us find fiendishly difficult.
Well, it probably ends up having something to do with finance because as a poet you probably want to publish your poetry and you're going to be talking to publishers.
Whatever we do in our lifetime, wherever life's storm tosses us, there must be something we can achieve, some shore we can land, that opens up new vistas to us.
Think of how easy it would be to pick up and travel, or move, or change jobs, or do something with a friend in the middle of a work day.
Sometimes you want to be able to use something like to see the exact color scheme of a website, but you definitely do not want a whole bar taking up precious screen real estate.
The easy solution to clear this all up, of course, would be for Trump to release his academic records -- something he has repeatedly demanded that Obama do with his own academic records.
要弄清这一切,简单的方法当然是Trump能公布他的学习成绩 --就像他老是要求奥巴马这样做一样。
If you do things right, your Facebook application will be something that Facebook users will sign up for and tell others about, which means that you will need to think a bit about bandwidth issues.
This change in elite opinion has something to do with the lack of conclusive academic evidence that the past decade's influx has been the economic boon it was cracked up to be.
No! Because I'm a volunteer! I am willing to be a volunteer. Once I have decided to do something, I will never give up!
Did you ever stand up for something you thought was right even though a lot of people got upset with you? If not, do you think you would ever be strong enough to do so?
Thank God every morning when you get up that you have something to do that day, which must be done, whether you like it or not.
But if you can just manage to tone down your egos, shape up your minds, and think unfashionable thoughts, you just might be able to do something worthy with your lives.
Never be too late for me to do something even really simple, but meaningful to wake something up for I'm still alive.
Some hotspots do not show up and you'll need to hit the Hint button to show you where something needs to be done.
Because of love, something that used to be impossible can be made possible, something that you never really liked to do you can end up loving.
No one in this team ever gives up and that's just the way it should be in your career because there is always the opportunity to do something great and beautiful.
The other rule goes for those who do have a garden, yard , or side lane in which to keep their bike: even if it's out of sight of the road, it still needs to be locked up to something.
I took an elevator ride up to the top of this ridiculously high building, knowing I would be doing something I didn't want to do.
Alex: : you can have something that will be enjoyable and you can change it up every day and soon and so forth but as to what I specifically would do, I can't put a name to it.
Alex: : you can have something that will be enjoyable and you can change it up every day and soon and so forth but as to what I specifically would do, I can't put a name to it.