A hanger and clothespin don't just come in handy for doing laundry, they can also be used to straighten out coiled cords, even ones that may appear permanently kinked.
In British prisons, serving time in jail used to be known as "doing porridge", because a bowl of oatmeal was an inmate's regulation breakfast.
It can also be used to train the next generation of scientists to solve these types of problems in this new way as their primary method for doing this type of research.
My values used to be such that buying software was in line with my life goals; now, buying wooden alphabet blocks for stacking is much more in line with what I want to be doing.
Zheng Changye used to be a staff member with the physical plant of Zhengzhou University. As a student of science all his life, he is extremely active in thinking and reasonable in doing things.
The fact that this boss came in from the outside is significant, because it means he may be used to doing things in a different way.
SGML is designed to be "all things to all people", but in doing so it is too complex and therefore not widely used.
But in spite of this, while I am not able to respond to what is needed in a longer workshop that I am used to be doing, I'm still doing "shorter" presentations.
Be used to doing he is an experienced driver and he is used to driving in all kinds of weather.
Many in-home jobs that used to be done primarily by women - ranging from family shopping to preparing meals to doing voluntary work - still need to be done by someone.
I used to be really interested in that. But lately it seems that they end up saying one thing and doing another anyway. So why listen?
I used to get up at 5.30am and say to myself 'What the hell am I doing this for?'. You've got to have a great reason to be able to get up early in the morning.
That must be especially hard in an environment that is so used to doing everything in a way that has already be done.
That must be especially hard in an environment that is so used to doing everything in a way that has already be done.