They may not be well-known to the public, but they do what they can to help improve people's lives as well.
Well-known Indian sand artist Sudarshan Patnaik has been invited to take part in the World Championships of Sand Sculpture to be held in Vancouver.
As a well-known proverb goes: "there are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes", a good novel should be open to interpretation.
This provides benefits such as a well-known service interface that may be easier to consume in integration middleware and presentation logic.
They focused their efforts on just over 13, 000 genes that have been well enough studied by the Human Genome Project for their DNA sequences to be known accurately.
I have known him too long and to well to be a fair judge.
While the requirements for some projects are straightforward — perhaps as simple as applying a new technology to a well-known domain — others may be more difficult.
Once this is known, the formulae required to calculate the availability of the cluster are relatively well known, but can be rather tedious to calculate.
One of the reasons might be because of a well-known problem with time travel to the past, the problem of what we call paradoxes.
For internal projects, dependent JAR files should be managed under version control and checked out to a well-known location.
Your appreciation of the value of videogames is well known, and I would be eager to hear your thoughts on them and your connections to them.
众所周知,您对视频游戏的价值是非常推崇的, 所以在这儿我特别想听听您对游戏的各种想法.
Only children aren’t known for handling adversity especially well, and there will be much adversity for them to handle when they graduate.
而独生子女不懂得应对逆境,尤其是在顺境中面对困难。 而当他们毕业时,将会有很多麻烦事需要自己去处理。
If they do not, doctors' surgeries may be flooded with what have come to be known as the worried well, and regulation is sure to follow.
And it continues to be the most well known, and probably the most used personalized dashboard platform till date.
A client (voter) could then typically be referred to the vote server only through a link from a well-known static address, such as a school-supplied Web page.
A first way to address this would be to use a common, well-known orchestration solution like full blown, externally deployed, BPEL-supporting orchestration engine [2].
In most cases, you want to define well known queries that can be reused.
Well they may not be famous to the general public, however they are well known in the world of nonprofit academia and research.
That turned out to be very beneficial, since managing an online shop for a well-known brand developed their professional spirit.
It is well known to enthusiasts that a glass must be "beer clean" -free of any grease or skin oils, including fingerprints-to support a good head of foam.
The database tier of current applications is known to be very well structured and efficient.
Chanel is well-known fashion icon Coco Chanel’s baby and is considered to be the most elegant and chic brand in haute couture.
In others, the side effects turned out to be catastrophic but weren't well-known until after the drug was widely used.
Nuts are known to be healthy and nutritious, containing high-quality protein, lots of vitamins and minerals as well as dietary fibre. They are also dairy and gluten-free.
The services that have access to the delivery date are well known, so the mediation can be placed in the appropriate place with certainty.
We are a nation of strong and remarkable people. A country of beauty and love known to be hospitable and well-valued.
The fuel source could be any sugary solution, but he chose to use that well-known soft drink you can find just about anywhere in the world - Coca-Cola.
The fuel source could be any sugary solution, but he chose to use that well-known soft drink you can find just about anywhere in the world - Coca-Cola.