Young people should be led to believe that anything is possible and that nothing can stand in their way with determination and perseverance.
In China, Beijing Opera used to be popular with old people while young people didn't like it very much.
The energy I had then astounded even me, and I was indeed young enough to be impatient with people that could not see the benefit of many of my ideas.
You'll be able to communicate with fewer people, especially the young.
Acquaintance as shallow as that with the news is probably no great loss to society; Pew surveys of general knowledge suggest that young people are about as well (or badly) informed as they used to be.
Head injuries may be linked with subsequent violent behavior in young people, a study finds.
In countries with more flexible Labour markets, the emphasis tends to be on "skilling up" young people.
While people with certain underlying medical conditions, including pregnancy, are known to be at increased risk, many severe cases occur in previously healthy young people.
In the Leeds study, young people were more likely to be Internet addicted than middle-aged users, with the average age of the addicted group standing at 21 years.
There is some anecdotal evidence that young people treat the flushing as a cosmetic response to be countered with antihistamines while continuing to drink.
Very young children, pregnant women and people with immune deficiencies who may be more susceptible to illness, should limit the time spent in a pool.
The game is said to be especially popular with college students and young people who visit social networking sites.
So if you're writing a story about young people in the U.K., this list of current slang could be helpful in creating a sense of verisimilitude with your characters.
Re-Mission is available to young people with cancer free of charge. The game can be ordered or downloaded here.
With the Bank's help, over 10 million mosquito nets and over 15 million doses of anti-malarial drugs will be distributed to people like that young mother.
I'm very depressed with this whole thing of young people just wanting to be famous for the sake of being famous.
I had come to China with the conviction that I could teach these young people to think independently, and that they would see how valuable a tool it could be in their education.
The day will be beneficial for young men who may have interesting contacts with people from afar. Auspicious day for traveling and for all that comes from distance.
Young people should be encouraged to look at All trades and professions. They should look upon their profession they choose with interest and pride.
The Party should pay attention to young people, care about them, listen to their voices, make friends with them, enthusiastically support their work and be their guide.
Young people cannot be expected to read, what with automobile, sports and television.
Unfortunately, young people diagnosed with colon cancer are more likely to be in the later stage of the disease.
But this increase in popularity isn't happening with table tennis and some other sports that young people really should be interested in.
Probably I will read books about how to get along with young people. Being old doesn't mean that I will be far from them.
He studied mathematics and physics and turned out to be a very bright young man who entertained and amused people with his brilliant experiments and observations.
He studied mathematics and physics and turned out to be a very bright young man who entertained and amused people with his brilliant experiments and observations.