However, Spansion said it in the United States and subsidiaries outside Japan will not be within the scope of bankruptcy protection.
Modifications and variations as would be apparent to a skilled addressee are deemed to be within the scope of the present invention.
From a programming perspective, there are different ways to specify that multiple actions should be within the scope of a single transaction.
The ratios of contributions, the procedures, and other details would properly be within the scope of the "private conversations" I have referred to earlier.
Anything done in accordance with this Clause or any delay arising therefrom shall be deemed to be within the scope of the carriage and shall not be a deviation.
Marking is a step or technique in MDA in which additional information, not within the semantic scope of the model itself, can be added to a model solely for use by automation later.
This (I hope) will be unique within the scope of the trace, and the combination of thread ID and random number should afford you uniqueness across multiple JVMs.
However, the addition of any other recoverable updates within the transactional scope is not supported, as a global transaction would then be required.
As mentioned last month, four of the implicit objects defined for JSP pages can be used to associate stateful data within a particular context, or scope.
Of course, if the variable was not set and you have to create or modify it, you'll need to restart the servers within its scope in order for it to be activated.
Using closures serves the same purpose in this situation as it would outside of a class: to contain a specific function to be bound within a small scope.
Because a security token is useful within a trust domain, there needs to be a way to articulate the scope of a trust domain.
Extensibility: Newly added elements that fall within the scope of the node tests can be easily accommodated by adding new processing code without modifying the existing code.
Lifting her reluctant eyes, there would be nothing human within the scope of view, save the form of this earthly saint!
Either the scope can be reduced in order to meet the schedule or all of the functionality can be provided within an extended timeframe.
When used, it specifies that this is meant to be a unique savepoint within the scope of the current transaction.
Orders given by the Master within the scope of his functions and powers must be carried out by other members of the crew, the passengers and all persons on board.
We nest an tag inside the first and indicate that within the scope of the iteration, variable name "swimmer" will be associated with the current element.
Non-transactional resource managers may also be used within a global transaction but do not participate in the scope of the global transaction.
在全局事务中,也可以使用Non -transactional资源管理器,但是它不参与全局事务的作用域。
Within the scope of the with_interface block, the radius method defined with that interface name exists and can be called.
在with _ interface代码块的作用域中,可以调用使用该接口名定义的radius方法。
Article 11 No additional construction project may be undertaken within the scope of protection for a historical and cultural site.
WebSphere Business Services Fabric activities are carried out within the scope of a project, and each project is configured to be associated with meta data and the team that maintains that content.
As the items fall within the scope of our business activities, we shall be pleased to enter into direct business relations with you.
As the item falls within the scope of our business, we shall be pleased to enter into direct business relations with you.
Scope of discussion will be limited within the context of individual and group decision-making.
Scope of discussion will be limited within the context of individual and group decision-making.