Localized heating from the welding process and subsequent rapid cooling induces welding shrinkage stresses along weld bead during welding thin-wall plate and causes structural buckling distortions.
The foundation of the future research of weld pool image processing and weld bead control was established.
A method in which a data base and regression will be employed has been studied for predicting weld bead shape and selecting optimum welding parameters in arc welding processes.
The experiments show that adaptive system is excellent in controlling weld bead for aluminium alloy TIG welding.
Weld a contiguous bead around the entire circumference of the axle mount.
In GMAW welding process, when the welding speed reaches a certain threshold, there will be onset of weld bead undercut defects.
The regularity of the weld bead displacement is deduced by analysing the stress of the square cup stamping.
Once the gusset is bent and flush with the support bow, weld a generous bead on both gusset and support bow as shown.
The rear impact roller stretches the weld longitudinally with transverse compressive plastic deformation of the weld, thus reducing the residual deformation and stresses in the bead.
The fatigue life of the surface cracks of the weld toe and the central part of the welding bead are calculated.
The concept of "weld bead heat affected zone"(WBHAZ) was proposed.
Using the heat of welding to vapour water, cooling rates are lowered on the weld bead and heat -affected zone.
The experimental results show that the fatigue life of steel welded joints can be improved by grinding the weld bead, especially for the higher strength steel.
A new process of high speed seam welding with secondary rectification for double seam possesses good weld quality, high welding speed, smooth bead and low consumption features.
Secure the mounts and weld them using a 1 "bead on each side."
In this paper, the study of low cycle fatigue behavior of BHW-35 Steel material and weld bead using in fabrication of power plant boiler was introduced, a few of important conclusion was suggested.
本文介绍了对电站锅炉用BHW - 35钢母材和焊缝所进行的低周疲劳性能研究工作,提出了一些重要结论。
The microhardness of the weld bead reduces from the center of joint to base metal before and after heat treatment, and the microhardness of HAZ is minimum.
As an example pinpoint control, Five Star once received a micro-weld sample from a competitor that had a weld bead on top of the head of an ordinary shirt pin.
But the microhardness of the weld bead after heat treatment reduces by 60 HV, compared with origin welded joint.
But the microhardness of the weld bead after heat treatment reduces by 60 HV, compared with origin welded joint.