Because the key to recovering from a heart attack is by restoring the blood flow to the heart as quickly as possible, silent heart attacks are even more deadly.
Recently I spent some time in Mauritius; not the six-star hotel bit, but the parts where the poor people live where so many die of heart attacks because of smoking.
She understands that because of his genetic background, Chicklett is unlikely to live as long as a traditional chicken; she says the rapid growth has side effects, and heart attacks aren't uncommon.
Heart attacks may fall more modestly in Britain than other European countries because many workplaces imposed smoking bans before nationwide laws were passed.
That's why this analysis is important, because it looked at a population of diabetes and heart attacks at the very high risk for heart disease.
Because doctors aren't entirely sure what causes the increase in heart attacks, it's difficult to give concrete advice to patients. But they do make these Suggestions.
Swedish scientists recently found that heart attacks dropped the Monday after a time change, possibly because people were getting an extra hour of sleep over the weekend.
The new CDC swine flu estimates do not include heart attacks and strokes, mainly because there hasn't been time to collect that kind of data.
The drinkers survived mostly because they had fewer additional10 heart attacks.
The drinkers survived mostly because they had fewer additional10 heart attacks.