Few plants can live in caves, because there is not enough light.
A few students are unlucky because there is not enough room on the playground.
She says many students are sleepy and unable to pay attention in class because there is not enough food for them at home.
For all but the most successful apps, the free route does not make much sense because there is not enough time to recoup the costs of developing the app from advertising.
This is because the debt is worth much less, not because there is not enough money or credit, or because "banks are not lending to each other" as commentators often say.
But the Indian textile industry, which employs 35 million people, wants an extended ban and higher taxes on exports because there is not enough cotton to meet demand at home.
It is not because there is not enough paper to choose from, but because of these two types of paper are very similar in quality, in this field often overlooked out translucent paper.
However, the WHO delays declaring a pandemic, partly because there is not enough evidence that the virus is spreading in the general population outside the Americas, where it originated.
Since there have been complaints about the quality of the water in the river, residents must be avoiding the river because they think that it is not clean enough.
But this alone would not be enough to make Berlin the center of cultural life. So many artists flock to Berlin because living there is cheaper than living in any other big city in Europe.
A family is not poor only because there isn't enough money; they are poor because neither of these creations serves them. This, too, must be counted.
This is because there were not enough of you available yet to draw the light towards you.
And the most important thing is that forced labor in Uzbekistan exists not because there are not enough workers in the country or because there are no means for buying cotton-picking technology.
And for love even eternity is not enough, remember, because love can grow and grow and grow - there is no end to it.
They do because they believe that there is "not enough".
There are many failure cases just because they are not simple enough. The complexity degree is limited to what we can do.
The problem right now is not the tickets but capacity, because there are no trains operating on this line. It's because there are not enough tickets for people to buy.
Because we believe the performance of the company is not good enough to be financed, and there still some problems of management and financial especially the receivable turnover.
And ascension in creations 9 through 14 is impossible because there is so much serpent souls that there are not enough dragons to transmute the darkness or density to ascend.
而在第9 -14个造物上提升是不可能的,因为那里有如此多的蛇灵魂,没有足够的龙灵魂来改变黑暗或致密去提升。
Because there is so much fishing and not enough fish, these reserves are necessary to keep different species alive and encourage their health and quantitative growth.
The sad part is it's not because there isn't enough money. It's because of the stress involved in running TPR.
Finally, there are incentive incompatibilities in the compensation policy of zero dividend companies because security is too high and risk incentive is not enough for executives.
If there are not any young English players at Arsenal it is because they were not good enough.
But because the ensemble technology since the device as a whole is still not enough mature, stable, so the implementation of the operation there is always different problems.
But because the ensemble technology since the device as a whole is still not enough mature, stable, so the implementation of the operation there is always different problems.