The speed of digital circuit is becoming higher and higher, and this tendency brings the circuit designer many problems.
The requirement of control system in industry is becoming higher and higher. The use of high speed A/D chip is getting wider and wider.
Along with the large-oriented of container vessels, quay wall elevation has been becoming higher and higher, and working load increases continually.
Along with the old age of population in recent years, the outbreak rate of Fecal Incontinence is becoming higher and higher, and with age enlarge but increase.
As new radar systems are born and the radar is becoming more complex, requirements for automation and protection function of power supply are becoming higher and higher.
With the sampling rate of ADC becoming higher and the requirement of algorithm of information processing, the data storage system must store data with higher speed and higher precision.
As the requirements for higher power density and output performance, how to keep the inverter at a relative higher efficiency at higher switching frequency is becoming more and more important.
With the crude oil quality becoming inferior and the environmental protection regulations being strict increasingly, desulphurization technology demands are higher and higher in the industry.
With the market competition becoming more and more fierce, nowadays enterprises focus higher and higher attention on core competition competency.
With the improvement of people's living standard, the requirements for life are higher and higher, design becoming the theme of the current design circles in humanization.
With the improvement of people's living standard, the requirements for life are higher and higher, design becoming the theme of the current design circles in humanization.