Aim To study the effect of beconase nasal spray on treating allergic rhinitis.
Package ouantities Beconase Nasal Spray is a metered-dose aerosolsol with a specially designed nasal applicator. Each canister provides 200 sprays.
包装喷雾剂是一种气雾剂.配有专门设计可供鼻用的喷雾器,每罐可喷雾 200次。
Package ouantities Beconase Nasal Spray is a metered-dose aerosolsol with a specially designed nasal applicator. Each canister provides 200 sprays.
包装喷雾剂是一种气雾剂.配有专门设计可供鼻用的喷雾器,每罐可喷雾 200次。