Based on sediment transport experiments, the interaction between flow and sediment movement is analysed and the problems of grain resistance and bed load transport on plane movable bed are discussed.
The formulas of velocity distribution, flow resistance and bed load transport rate are obtained, in which the flow and sediment movement are considered simultaneously.
Based on the study of sediment transport under the actions of tidal currents and wind waves a mathematical model of suspended load and bed load for Yangtze estuary is developed.
The released flow from reservoirs carries less sediment load of bed material than pre? dam periods.
The nearby beaches may supply sediment for the embayment during storm surges, by causing bed-load and suspended-load transport of the beach material towards deeper waters.
A method is proposed for calculating the bed suspended load ratio of transport rate both uniform and non uniform sand in coast sediment movement as well as for calculating that of channel deposition.
Lastly, studies transportation characteristic of bed load sediment of upstream end before vegetation dam. Preliminarily clear sand-binding mechanism of vegetation "flexible dam".
The similarity criteria for designing the sediment models for plain sand-bed rivers include similarity of flow, bed load and suspended load.
The channel sedimentation comes from three parts, i. e. the suspended sediment, high sediment layer, and bed load.
A sediment transport model of bed load that interacts with 3d turbulent flow was developed.
Based on the study of sediment transport under the actions of tidal currents and wind waves, a mathematical model of suspended load and bed load for Yangtze Estuary is developed.
Based on the study of sediment transport under the actions of tidal currents and wind waves, a mathematical model of suspended load and bed load for Yangtze Estuary is developed.