The dip bedded rock slope is one of the familiar types of cutting slopes at present, its engineering characters take on large quantity, distribution and instability.
The Yuanjiawan landslide is a bedded rock landslide triggered by cutting the high and steep slope in the process of building Lanzhou-Lintao Expressway in Gansu Province.
Through the engineering practice, the bedding failure mechanisms of bedded rock side-slope could be divided into three types: plane rotatory sliding, disintegration sliding and gradual destruction.
It shall reckon in tilting movement resulting from perched water in the stability analysis of tilting failure of bedded rock slope, thus it can only explain many irregular phenomena of topping mass.
Based on the existing research results and up to the minute theory of rock damage and fracture mechanics, the blasting damage and fracture mechanism of rock and bedded composite rock is studied.
By use of dynamic strain testing, the ultrasonic wave, bedded composite rock damage and fracture mechanisms and the fragmentation process during blasting have been experimentally studied.
Based on damage and destroy theory of bedded composite rock, damage principal equation and damage and fracture rules of bedded composite rock have been founded.
Marmatite is the guide mineral of the second ore type which appears in bedded, veined and irregular ore bodies near contact zone of magmatic rock or joint positions between faults and ore beds.
The rock property difference of bedded composite rock often does not lead to ideal Pre-splitting blasting effect.
These conclusions can be used as a conference in research, design and construction of rock bedded slope.
The distortion process of the rock bedded slope with weak structure surface is analyzed by RFPA-slope limited element procedure.
The main characteristics of the skarn are as follows:(1)occurring as bedded, para-bedded in the contact zone between carbonate and microclastic rock, and its occurrence being accordance to the strata;
The main characteristics of the skarn are as follows:(1)occurring as bedded, para-bedded in the contact zone between carbonate and microclastic rock, and its occurrence being accordance to the strata;