To understand the control action of bedding faults during the formation of hydrocarbon accumulations, an experimental analysis on sealing capacity of bedding fault rocks was performed.
A bedding fault zone in layer C5 and a fractured fault zone which determine the stability against sliding and bearing capacity of the dam exist in the dam foundation of Tongjiezi project.
The boulder, rock wall. bottom toe always appear in limestone mine mid deep bench blasting because of bedding, fault, joint and cave.
The result indicates that the derivative of the Angle between the fault and the bedding surface is the major control factor on the development of fracture pore space associated with fault.
The diplog is a method for detecting the space location of the bedding and fault planes in barefoot well.
A fault surface parallel to a mechanically weak horizon or layer, or parallel to bedding, that detaches or separates deformed rocks above from undeformed or differently deformed rocks below.
A case history of the application of the P-wave reflection method in that area to investigate the bedding plane of bedrock, karst cave, fault and the distribution of the dissolution belt is given.
A case history of the application of the P-wave reflection method in that area to investigate the bedding plane of bedrock, karst cave, fault and the distribution of the dissolution belt is given.