We all know that your smoking, drinking or bedtime reading will affect sleep.
A book about Numbers and how to interpret them doesn't sound like interesting bedtime reading.
Learn reading English and find out what Jason and Vanessa's bedtime reading habits are in this English lesson.
Set up a bedtime ritual by taking a warm bath or shower, reading a book or listening to soft music.
Develop sleep rituals which include quiet activities, such as reading, 15 minutes before bedtime.
Finally, having role models as a motivation to read, whether it be an NHL player reading to a classroom full of kids or a parent at bedtime, is also highly important, says Georgiou.
Keep reading for your get-sleepy grocery list, and remember to stop noshing two hours before bedtime to give your body enough time to properly digest.
Reading a book for pleasure is a wonderful choice just before bedtime.
Reading aloud to them just before bedtime is a great idea, because it quiets them down after a day of activity, it gives you quality bonding time together, and it gets them into the habit of reading.
The tired father would fall asleep while reading his son bedtime books, till Henry elbowed him back awake, insisting, "read, Dad! Read!"
Do you enjoy reading before bedtime?
For example, parents can schedule activities — such as brushing teeth, taking a bath, or reading a story — that assist the transition to bedtime.
A relaxing activity, such as reading or listening to music, should be part of your bedtime ritual.
A routine (like reading stories) can let a child know that he's headed toward bedtime and can help him slow down.
After their evening ritual of giggling over a table game and reading stories, Karen sent her son outside to play until bedtime while she agonized over the checkbook.
Once the children were sleeping, they listened to a recording of a woman reading a bedtime story through earphones.
And of course children are renowned for reading by torchlight under the covers after bedtime to escape parental attention.
孩子们为了逃避大人的注意力,常常在该睡觉的时间藏在被子里举起手电看故事书。 这些不都是生活中经常发生的情况吗?
Bedtime is a great time to snuggle together and read, and there may be other times of day that work as family reading time.
The finding about reading aloud to children long after toddlerhood may come as a surprise to some parents who read books to children at bedtime when they were very young but then tapered off.
Youngsters who had no regular bedtime or who went to bed later than 21:00 had lower scores for reading and maths.
Develop a relaxing bedtime habits, such as warm bath before going to bed half an hour, reading newspapers, lower light levels and so on.
I tried so hard to be the best baby-sitter ever, bathing the three little boys and reading them bedtime stories.
I tried so hard to be the best baby-sitter ever, bathing the three little boys and reading them bedtime stories.