I 've been around the clock a few times. I know what I' m doing.
He sat up in bed and looked around him. The face of the clock radio was blank, so the electricity must still have been down.
Through its operations centres in New Delhi and Geneva, WHO has been working around the clock to facilitate information gathering and the coordination of relief and recovery efforts related to health.
Still, it is in crisis mode: more than 4, 800 schools have been closed in the region, medical services are swamped, and testing laboratories are working around the clock.
Being a CEO has always been tough, but the global nature of modern business means running a company has become increasingly complex, with decisions needing to be made around the clock.
Over 120,000 of the masks have been sold worldwide with Mask-arade company staff working around the clock to complete orders before the wedding.
Over 120, 000 of the masks have been sold worldwide with Mask-arade company staff working around the clock to complete orders before the wedding.
For months, he and his team have been working around the clock, often seven days a week, trying - in vain - to keep it from deepening.
They labored for 8 years, working around the clock, building the largest concrete structure in the world since the ancient pyramids of Egypt, was such a monumental task ever been undertaken.
Ben Giraud (voice-over): They've been inundating my inbox with messages like these, around the clock, for the past four days.
He saw the reflected glare of the lights of the city at what must have been around ten o 'clock at night.
You've been working around the clock!
The army, navy and coast guards have been working around the clock to save those who are still stranded.
Civil defense workers and local residents have been toiling around the clock to clean up muddy streets and search for survivors under piles of rubble.
I remember standing in the rubble of the World Trade Center three days later, surrounded by rescuers who had been working around the clock.
Some of us have been working on the problem around the clock for more than 48 hours now and we hope to have the problem resolved soon.
Since that time we have been working around the clock to fix the problems, unfortunately they are taking longer than we originally expected.
There has been, and remains, no bigger priority than getting US players paid as soon as possible, and we have been working around the clock to get this done.
John Connor: We've been fighting a long time. We are out numbered by machines. Working around the clock, without quit.
More than 12 hundred rescuers have been brought in to clear the line and relief materials are being dispatched around the clock.
More than 12 hundred rescuers have been brought in to clear the line and relief materials are being dispatched around the clock.