The application of behavioral theory to change a specific behavior.
The application of behavioral theory (e. g. conditioning, reinforcement) in the treatment of mental illness.
Furthermore, the behavioral theory of the firm serves as an important building block in transaction costs theory (Williamson, 1975).
此外,企业行为理论还是交易成本理论(Williamson, 1975)的重要基石。
These books contain some of the best scholarly writings that the research literature has to offer on the behavioral theory of the firm.
It has been my experience in teaching executives that a Behavioral Theory of the Firm resonates with these managers and proves instructive for them.
The conclusion is that both investor sentiment theory of behavioral theory and managerial performance theory of standard financial theory adapt to explain the discounts in China.
Inspect the mind control by using the relative cultural theory and behavioral theory, and come to know that its nature is to stop communication rationally and struggle for hegemony.
Management: Principles of management, organization theory, behavioral science.
Sigmund Freud 's psychoanalytic theory dominated the field for many years before it was challenged by Behavioral and cognitive therapy and humanistic psychology in the mid-20th century.
Behavioral scientists were putting together a theory of human communication from accumulated research.
What are some of the behavioral features of the disease that neither theory can account for completely.
The forth part is the research on application of behavioral finance theory in corporate finance.
Valuation is the core of study on finance. The development of Behavioral Finance has changed the valuation rule from expected utility theory to prospect theory.
So from the theory of planned behavior, the paper analyzes influencing factors on the behavioral intention of university students participation in community voluntary.
Behavioral contract theory tries to design optimal incentive contracts based on fairness preferences, which mean that agents will pay attention to the comparisons of his payoff and others.
So, behavioral finance theory comes into being.
AIM: To evaluate the behavioral and psychological deviation by using social cognitive processing theory.
Cognitive theory and behavioral evidence will be integrated with data from neuropsychology and functional brain imaging.
The prospect theory of behavioral economics argues that people would lead to the anchoring effects during the process of judgment and decision making under risk and uncertainty.
With such a background, the individual and crowd behavior based on behavioral decision theory under paroxysmal social public crisis events are studied in this dissertation.
Its studied for improving the traditional behavioral portfolio theory (BPT) by dealing with weights of investors multiple mental accounts.
Several typical places within living environments, making use of the behavioral space theory to analyse the success or failure of its urban design.
Many models on behavioral finance can be understood from the entropy theory of information.
Motivation theory is the major theory of behavioral management school.
Market timing that based on behavioral finance theory give up the Efficient Market Hypothesis and study the capital structure from the investor point of view of non-rational.
Behavioral decision theory is used to describe, explain and forecast the human decision behavior using behavioral scientific view and method. It emphasizes on the study of descriptive decision theory.
However, with regard to no evidence or insufficient evidence, there is no prescription that litigant is obligated to accept unfavorable judgment in behavioral burden theory.
However, with regard to no evidence or insufficient evidence, there is no prescription that litigant is obligated to accept unfavorable judgment in behavioral burden theory.