The aim is to provided some feasibility idea of low cost environment space art for economy behindhand region.
The liner's taper parameter impacts to the further improvement of the missile and the cannonball's performance directly, however, the current taper detection means is quite behindhand.
But, the boom covers some problem, such as: behindhand marketing, opening blindly financing firms, not operating canonically, absence of risk control mechanism, and so on.
All are due to our behindhand mechanism of protecting plant and technology of spraying pesticide.
At present, because the examination and processing method are behindhand, the fruit quality is descent, and the production, processing and sale of apple have been influenced too.
Accordingly, the technology of rainwater utilization is behindhand and short of systematization.
More and more internal enterprises quicken the application of CRM, but many of them are behindhand obviously in the field, one of the most important reasons is lacking of suitable CRM software system.
More and more internal enterprises quicken the application of CRM, but many of them are behindhand obviously in the field, one of the most important reasons is lacking of suitable CRM software system.