In fact, Bellini was one of Frederic Chopin's favorite composers.
Try a sparkling wine cocktail, such as a Kir Royale or Bellini.
Consider the ambitious mix of styles, materials and patterns in the Bellini Chair from Versace Home.
The quake was the most powerful to hit Haiti since at least 1770, according to USGS records, Mr. Bellini added.
Vincenzo Bellini is an important opera composer in the Italian Romantic period of the nineteenth century.
Our brand originates from an old and legendary family named Bellini who possesses treasures of Renaissance.
Take any popular song and compare it to any aria by the Italian opera composer Vincenzo Bellini (1801-1835), for example.
Bellini expands and elides musical phrases, so that the musical content breathes in a different time frame than the verse.
The quake was the most to hit Haiti since at least 1770, according to USGS records, Mr. Bellini added. 'This isn't normally an earthquake-prone area,' he said.
At least 1.8 million people live within the area where the earthquake had its highest, John Bellini, a geophysicist at the USGS, told the Wall Street Journal.
美国地质调查局的地球物理学家贝里尼(John Bellini)对《华尔街日报》说,在此次地震烈度最高的地区至少生活着180万人。
At least 1.8 million people live within the area where the earthquake had its highest intensity, John Bellini, a geophysicist at the USGS, told the Wall Street Journal.
Bellini had begun the job by painting "The Feast of the Gods" for the libertine duke, who wanted the best artists in Italy to paint canvases on themes of classical drunken revels.
Bellini had begun the job by painting "The Feast of the Gods" for the libertine duke, who wanted the best artists in Italy to paint canvases on themes of classical drunken revels.