Noting how long the task takes to do is useful because it will give you a bench mark against which to measure your worker's skill.
The contractor to establish bench mark and take consultant's approval prior to execution of the work.
In the machining process, often need a bench worker use scriber mark lines on the work piece to determine the processing location and inspection.
This high standard already created sets a bench mark that all others will be assessed and in some cases judged, but few artists are able to reach such heights.
Finally, we suggested that the problem on stability of the bench mark may be settled in certain area by using the bench mark with a casing pipe buried in the proper depth of soil stratum.
The Beijing Fundamental Bench Mark (BFBM) is an important reference datum in the elevation control network in China.
Among them, Company c, which is regarded as the bench-mark, adopted just-in-time supply-chain management system in 1999.
While it is yet to be seen what tax measures will be introduced the pepple's bank of china or central bank raise its one-year bench mark lending rate by27base points to5.85percent in april.
然而尚未看到税收措施的引入,在4月份中国人民银行或中央银行上调了其一年期贷款基准利率27个基点,达到5。 85%。
While it is yet to be seen what tax measures will be introduced the pepple's bank of china or central bank raise its one-year bench mark lending rate by27base points to5.85percent in april.
然而尚未看到税收措施的引入,在4月份中国人民银行或中央银行上调了其一年期贷款基准利率27个基点,达到5。 85%。