From this benchmark, we can conclude that the best way to take maximum benefit from this kind of cluster is to partition our job or application.
The first benchmark was a batch-billing job that generated bills for more than 100,000 customers.
第一个基准测试是一批账单作业,为 100,000多个客户生成账单。
The @ symbol in Jornal @Verdade is Charas' benchmark for success: when Mozambicans are digitally literate enough to recognize the symbol as part of an e-mail address, he will have done his job.
Jornal @Verdade中“@”标志是查拉斯评价事业成功与否的标尺:当所有的莫桑比克人都接受过数字化教育,并认出“@”代表电邮地址时,他的使命就完成了。
The @ symbol in Jornal @Verdade is Charas' benchmark for success: when Mozambicans are digitally literate enough to recognize the symbol as part of an e-mail address, he will have done his job.
Jornal @Verdade中“@”标志是查拉斯评价事业成功与否的标尺:当所有的莫桑比克人都接受过数字化教育,并认出“@”代表电邮地址时,他的使命就完成了。