That handed Deng and his fellow investors an annualised return of 40 per cent, more than 13 times the benchmark one-year deposit rate, according to the website.
When the cut takes effect tomorrow, the cost of one-year bank loans will fall to 6.66% from 6.93%, while the benchmark one-year deposit rate drops to 3.6% from 3.87%.
In August, loans, industrial output and retail sales topped analysts' median estimates, while the inflation rate was 1.25 percentage points above the benchmark one-year deposit rate.
Credit Suisse Group ag forecasts the benchmark one-year deposit rate, which has risen 1 percentage point to 3.25 percent, will climb another 1.5 percentage points by the end of the year.
The central bank raised the benchmark one-year deposit rate a total of 1.62 percentage points over the course of 2007, but it raised the one-year lending rate just 1.35 percentage points.
The PBC administers two different benchmark interest rates: one year lending and one year deposit rate.
Currently, the one-year benchmark deposit rate is 3.5%, well below the rate of inflation at over 6%.
Since China's central bank announced on the 16th, down one-year RMB loans benchmark interest rate 0.27 percentage points, deposit rates remain unchanged.
At present, there are two benchmark rates of floating rate debt, one year fixed deposit rate and 7 - day repurchase rate, in China.
Since China's central bank announced on the 16th, down one-year RMB loans benchmark interest rate 0.27 percentage points, deposit rates remain unchanged.
China's benchmark lending rate is at an all-time low of 4.35 per cent for one-year loans, and interest rate deregulation has forced lenders to compete on deposit and loan pricing.
China's one-year benchmark deposit rate, however, stands at just 3.25 per cent.
China's one-year benchmark deposit rate, however, stands at just 3.25 per cent.